Make yourself a cup of tea, and go visit this website below:
This is my home town, I don't know the photographer, but he can sure make me home sick! I found his website the other day, and the pictures are many and great!
Egersund is right on the coast, surrounded with possibilities of outdoors activities, summer and winter.
Most of my family, and lots of friends still lives here.
Its a good place to come home to.....
Torsdag i februar
2 days ago
Hei Randi :-) Tusen takk for hyggelige hilsner på bloggen min! Koselig blogg du har,veskene dine var flotte! Stikker innom her igjen jeg, sender deg også en mail ang spm dine. Hilsen Hanne :-)
-fikk visst ikke til å maile deg... hvis du sender meg adr på nutsisland at sender jeg oppskrift på lommetøfler.
Hei Randi,er innom siden din hver dag-du er så flink! Vi reiser på hyttetur til Eigerøy i morgen,Sunniva gleder seg så! Klem Ingrid Tove
Takk for det! Gi Sunniva en stooooor klem fra meg!!!!
Hi Randi! I'm from Sons of Norway. The pics. of Egersund are pretty! My mor lives in Stavanger. I like the purses, too. Do you sell them?
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