12 January, 2007

The job I hate to do!

I love my dogs! I hate picking up their "dodo's"!
Today was that day... I survived, barely!
The "lawn people" will be here this afternoon, and it look like it might rain.
In both cases, the dodo's got to go.
My next dog (if there will ever be one) will be one that don't do dodo's....!!!!!


Anonymous said...

For noen skjønne hunder!
Du har masse annet enn fine hunder i bloggen din også! Ønsker deg en fortsatt god helg!

Anonymous said...

One nice thing about the winter here...the do freezes and is easier to pick up! Our last dog was so good, she only went on the outer edges of the yard, hardly ever needed picking up. Not so the new girls, the whole yard is fair dumping grounds......