28 February, 2007


The question is not "How are you?"
But "How are you handling it?"

Spoersmaalet er ikke "Hvordan er det med deg?"
Snarere " Hvordan takler du det?"

Jacket in baby-wool

Started another small jacket yesterday.
The yarn is pretty thin, needle size 1.
Four colors, navy, red, yellow and clear blue.
Pattern from Dale.

And did I mention the pretty weather..

Nydelig vaer og et nytt prosjekt paa pinnene.
Liten jakke i baby-ull fra Dale.

27 February, 2007

Min "lille" soldat...

Hei "sviskaa", haaper du foeler deg bedre snart!

Alle disse dagene som kom og gikk - ikke visste jeg at de var selve livet!

I found this saying on a Norwegian blog Manne,
and it translates to something like this:

"All these days that came and went,
- not knowing they where life itself!"

Pretty deep....

26 February, 2007

Another pair of socks

I like these.. I used really strong sock yarn,
wool mixed with a little nylon,
since they will be used by an active teenager.

24 February, 2007

Winter in Norway

So I just had to show of may niece and nephew playing in the snow.

"Tant-ungan" i snoeen..

23 February, 2007

Revealing the "candy colored" crochet

I still have the sleeves to work on,
and it moves forward a little slow at this point.
Yes, its a little boring.
Below is a picture of the pattern.

The little girl that I needed for modeling the piece,
is in a different country...
My niece, Nadia.
She is a very special little girl.
Little miss drama, typical for her age,
loving pinks and everything that sparkle.

Det naermer seg slutten paa dette prosjektet,
kun armene igjen.
Jeg faar gjoere dem ferdig innimellom andre ting,
for de er ganske saa kjedelige akkurat naa.
Pakken blir sendt til Norge saa snart den er ferdig,
forhaapentliglivis i god tid foer Nadia's gebursdag i April.

22 February, 2007

On the finish line...

This morning I went to visit with some other knitters,
and realized that finishing a sweater like this
was something they had never done.
So I thought I would try to show how.
They seamed terrified that I actually had to clip an opening for the sleeves.
Unfortunately I had already clipped the openings a few days ago,
so I couldn't take a picture of it.
However, below I show how I attached the sleeves,
right sides together, from the inside of the sleeve,
after sewing with first a straight stitch, and then a "zig zag" stitch,
before I clipped!

I had already knitted an edge on the sleeve,
that will not show from the right side,
but function as a hem to hide the raw edge of where I clipped.
Sew the hem whit a wip stitch, make sure it doesn't show from the right side.

This is how it look on the right side after its attached.

The last thing I have to finish it the ribbed edge around the neck.
It will be done tonight!

Jeg var sammen med noen "strikkedamer" i dag,
og fant ut at de ikke kjente til hvordan man monterer en genser.

At den maatte klippes opp for armehull, skremte dem...

Derfor tenkte jeg at jeg kunne legge inn noen bilder av siste fase.

Her er mine "damer", de som holder meg med selskap hver dag!

Nydelige farger

Flowers from a dear friend.
They remind me of my mothers garden in the spring in Norway...

Tulipaner og Daisy's. Som mors hage om vaaren.
Daisy'ene minner meg om ringblomster.

21 February, 2007

Spring is here

I have spend my day in the yard,
cutting trees and bushes.
Cleaning up the flowerbed I met these little guys...

20 February, 2007

Markens groede

Sent paa hoesten, da vi satte ut broccolien,
hadde vi dessverre et lite "uhell" her.
En av hundene vaare spiser nemlig ALT som lukter av menneske mat.
Groennsaker innkludert.
Kine spiste opp alle smaa plantene som var klar til aa gaa i jorda.
Kan si det ble maanelyst her et oeyeblikk.
Et par planter ble reddet, og her er resultatet!

Menneskene glemte aa hoeste den ferdige broccolien,
den eneste som fikk vokse...
Men fin er den naar den blomstrer!
Paa lista av fra foer av oppspiste selvdyrkede "groennsaker" er hodekaal (!), basilikum (hele planten), jalapenos(!!!) og Purslane,
som er en plante og avbildet under...

Kine, one of our dogs,
eats everything that smell like "human" food.
Included is "greens" grown in the back yard,
like Broccoli, Cabach, Jalapeno's (!!), Purslane, etc.
The story here is that she ate all the Broccoli plants,
before they even got in the ground.
But the humans living here,
forgot to bring in the only one that got saved
(after we went through the trouble of fencing it in!).

18 February, 2007

En ettermiddag senere...

The entire day has been sunny and beautiful!
What more can we ask for?
And what in heck am I making....

Nydelig vaer hele dagen i dag.
Haaper det holder seg slik noen dager.
Det tar lengre og lengre tid aa komme seg rundt ytterkanten
paa dette fargerike hekletoeyet.

What is this!

I will tell you this much,
- it will be a wild piece of clothing.
My sister has put me to work.
She sent me pattern and yarn from Norway.

I don't normally crochet much,
don't know why, 'cause this is pretty fun.
The colors are great,
and I will put in some time later today.

It's cold this morning,
but I know that my chair by the pool will be warmed up by mid-day...

Aasa, jeg skal skrive et par linjer paa norsk under hvert innlegg!
Vil gjerne at du "besoeker" meg her.

Dette er for Helene. Skal vise resten siden...

17 February, 2007


Again, its not too often I get to wear a knitted sweater,
so I thought I 'd knit a backpack in sted.
However, some parts of the year,
even a wool backpack is to hot to carry.
I got to use some of my left over yarn form previous projects.
Any pattern will work,
but it's smart to line it,
since the knit could stretch if you carry something heavy.

Eini wasn't to happy with this luggage.
But she'll do anything to please...

Kaldt i Texas, minus 7C i gaar morges...

Kulde rekord.
Litt deilig aa faa ta frem varme klaer,
og faa brukt gensere som har ligget nedpakket en stund,
men jeg maa innroemme at jeg gleder meg til litt varmere dager.
Og for all del, de kommer helt sikkert fort nok.
Som regel er det varmen som er verst aa leve med her borte,
saa jeg maa passe meg for aa klage.
Denne vinteren har foroevrig vaert ganske kald.
Til tider kaldere enn hjemme i Norge, har jeg faatt bekreftet.

Men naar solen kommer ut,
slik som i dag (selv om her er forsatt kaldt),
saa kjenner jeg at lysten paa vaar, rydding i hagen,
og planting av blomster, kommer sigende.
Ha en fin helg...

12 February, 2007

A walk on the beach

A great Sunday.
It was cold, but we where all bundled up.

The dogs loved it,
and I got to pick some shells.
There are lots and lots of them,
most with a small whole, ready to use for something....
(click on the picture for a closer look)

Maybe a necklace?

Best of all, I got to knit in the car,
to and from the beach...

11 February, 2007


Moving pretty fast forward with the sweater,
I was almost done with the first sleeve.
Well, "Speedy Gonzales" forgot to change to thicker needles,
after the cuff was done.
The question was:
Should I ignore it or redo it?

It would be a source of irritation,
so forget ignoring,
it had to be redone!
Luckily, the pattern is at this point, a piece of cake.
Moving forward again.. Slower this time?
I don't think so!

10 February, 2007

Love for cats

I love cats, but have none...
However, my daughter Ingrid, has two!
Simone and Simba.

Simone is the sweetest cat as long as she is on medication,
if not, she will go insane ever so often.

Simba, however, doesn't know she's a cat.
She prefers sleeping in the bed,
under the cover,
with her head on the pillow.
And of course, she is not to fond of Simone,
because Simone is a cat!

09 February, 2007

Baby set

This is the set that I have been working on since Christmas.
It is knitted in Dale Baby Wool,
an absolutely great yarn quality,
soft and machine washable.

The pattern is also from Dale of Norway,
originally in pink,
and shown further down on my blog.

This is my "boy" version..

07 February, 2007

Mirror frame

We gave the bathroom a face lift a while ago,
but one little thing had yet to be done.
When I tiled the floor and the frame around the mirror,
I left the grouting of the mirror frame for "later"...
Now it's done, and her is the result!


Paa pinnene i dag

Tiril's sweater starts to take shape.
At this point it's pretty easy going, but time consuming.
I am exited to change the pattern a little bit today,
as I am going further, to another part of the pattern.
I have other projects I want to do,
but need to finish this one first.

03 February, 2007

A pretty picture

What can I say, I love flowers!
These I bought a week and a half ago.
They last forever! No sign of giving up yet..
Have a nice weekend!

02 February, 2007

Black hat for Tor

Sending off some knitted items to my grand kids,
I made another hat last night.
It was quick and easy, and here is what I did:

Yarn: Nature Spun from Brown Sheep Company
Needle US 6 (4mm)
Using a round needle, CO (legg opp) 80.
Knit 2, pearl 2, for 1 1/2" (3-4 cm)

Over 6 rows, do this easy pattern:
*3 rows: knit 2, pearl 2 (2 rette, 2 vrange)
3 rows: knit ( 3 omganger rett)*

Repeat from * to * until you have 6 1/2" (ca.16 cm) all together,
last 3 rows being knit (rett).

Decrease next row like this:
knit 2, pearl 2 together, knit 2, pearl 2 together.... keep going...
the 2 next rows, knit 2, pearl 1...
knit 3 rows .
Decrease next row like this:
knit 2 together, pearl 1, knit 2 together, pearl 1....
the next 2 rows, knit 1, pearl 1...
knit 3 rows.

Degrease next rows like this:
knit 2 together, knit 2 together......
knit one row,
knit 2 together, knit 2 together,
pull tread through, and weave it in.

The pattern look good on the back side also...