04 March, 2012


Mistakes happens.

My husband would probably say 
that I'm a perfectionist.
He can't understand how I can 
unravel and start over.
but I don't think I am.

I could let it slide,
I think,
but if I get a chance to fix my mistakes
I would probably, 
most lightly, do it....

It was easiest to pick up the stitches
 from the back this time,
unraveling each stitch as I go.

All the stitches are back on the needle,
and the rest of the day 
you will probably find me here....

Have a great Sunday!


Ragnhild said...

hmmmm ;) - jeg har også akkurat rekt opp litt... tenkte først at jeg bare skulle la det gå, men... Nå er alt OK igjen, og pinnene flyr :) For et herlig hage-/strikkeliv hos deg! Litt vår her, men det spørs om det holder! Søndagsklem :)

Rani said...

Atta girl! I'm not much of a perfectionist, but with knitting. . . well - you know you can fix it, so you take a deep breath and there you go.

Your little spot in the sun looks like heaven on earth.

Gørill said...

Jeg ville gjort akkurat det samme, bedre å rekke opp enn å ergre seg hele tiden! Ser deilig ut med "sommer"! Skjønt den kommer nok til gamlelandet etter hvert også! Kos deg videre i sola!

Ruth Bernssen Bø said...

Eg hadde nok og rekt opp.

Ha ein fin dag