22 March, 2012

It's spring!

Lovely weather,
perfect temperature,
birds chirping

and flowers blooming!
It's medicine for the soul.

What more can one ask for?

Our Toller, Eini, 
enjoy all the scents along the trail.

It feels good to get out,
breath the fresh air,
let your mind rest.

This Heron kept a watchful eye on us...

He felt a little uneasy,
and lifted to the sky 
after posing for me.

Morgenstund har gull i munn.
Hadde en deilig tur naa i morges.
Naa er det tid for en kopp kaffe
som skal nytes i godstolen ute...


siddisisalou said...

Vakkert og stemningsfullt !

Ruth Bernssen Bø said...

Flott der du går på tur.

Ha ein fin dag

hobbyvenn said...

Flotte bilder. Ble nok en flott tur du fikk deg. God helg.

Ninne said...

Så koselig å se Eini i full vigør blant blomstene!!! :)