30 August, 2007

På pinnene i dag...

Mittens again..
I got a kick of inspiration yesterday,
and started a new round of mittens.
When I am done,
I will be happy to show you
what exactly got me going this time..
Using Cascade 220,
these are in shades of blue and purple,
with a touch of orange.

Tilbake til votter.
Jeg har savnet dem
mens strikket på fiske teppet.
Nå blir fiskene lagt på hylla for en liten stund,
trenger en liten pause.

29 August, 2007

More foot wear

These are very special to me,
and they come from the northern part of Norway,
"The Land of the Midnight Sun",
They are handmade,
and normally a part of the Sami people's
beautiful traditional outfit.
These are in Norwegian called "Komaker",
and I learned that they are used outside in the summer,
or inside as slippers.
Their winter shoes are called "Skaller"
and made out of reindeer hide.
It's a present
meant for the little foot below,
given to me by a very special friend,
and I am so thankful.

Disse fikk jeg i dag.
De er litt små for meg,
men vil passe den lille foten nedenfor om et par år..
Tusen takk!!

28 August, 2007

"Mormor" goes nuts..

I found these cute shoes yesterday,
and off course I couldn't resist!
Maybe they will fit this little foot next spring?

Kunne ikke la være,
måtte bare gi etter og kjøpe disse...

26 August, 2007

Another lazy Sunday

We have had a house guest this weekend,
and after a large meal,
good wine
and a late night yesterday,
we decided to do nothing much today.

After the last weeks hot weather close to 100F,
the water is now about 90F.
Not all that refreshing,
but still wet...

This is my "catch of the day",
I have about 120 fish now.
Still many to go.

A few plants are blooming,
many of my potted plants however,
gave it up for the heat.

Even the dogs ran out of energy.

Med kjempekoselig besøk fra Norge
denne helgen,
har vi bare spist og koset oss.
Litt i det varmeste laget,
til og med hundene måtte en tur i vannet..
I morgen begynner skolen,
så nå er sommerferien offisiellt over.

21 August, 2007

Knitted fish

In all different shades of reds and orange,
my plan is to make at least 160 fish.
These will all be sewed together to make a blanket.
If I have to adjust the size,
I might not have enough of this specific yarn,
but I could of course mix with something different.

It was actually quite fun through the first 25,
but the excitement is really not there anymore.
now as I can make them in the dark,
with my eyes closed,
they are great for TV knitting.

19 August, 2007

Byrkjedalstunet and Gloppedalsura


One of our favorite day trips when we visit Norway,
is to Gloppedalsura and Byrkjedalstunet.

The scenery going to and from is breath taking,
nothing make me more homesick
then pictures from this region of Norway.

My daughter had to stop for a drink in one of the rivers.
Not to many of those in Florida
where she lives now.

By Byrkjdalstunet are these adorable buildings,
built in old style.
Actually, maybe they are old...?

The kids always loved to visit this place,
they have a restaurant,

Porridge made of sour cream

a souvenir store, an art gallery
and a candle factory.
They get to dip and make their own candles here.

In the back we can visit with these guys..
I love goats...
...and sheep......

Three Billy Goats Gruff
De tre Bukkene Bruse

Vi hadde vår årlige tur Byrkjedalstunet,
rundtur om Gloppedalsura,
og jeg fikk spist rømmegrøt (nam).

18 August, 2007

Flott sykkel..

"My son in law to be"
made this bike himself.
I think it is fantastic!

The leather seat is very special,
he is a great artist.

Denne sykkelen er kjempe tøff
synes jeg.
Han har bygget den selv,
også det flotte setet har han tegnet og laget!
Tror dette er "Midgardsormen".

17 August, 2007

Wearing it...

A few people have asked me
how the jacket looks when it's on.
I do better behind the camera,
so I got a model for the job...

16 August, 2007

Summer isn't over yet...

Even though my largest project for this summer
got done last night.
Summer heat is actually on the very top here now,
at least that's what we hope.
Well over 100F,
and now humid....

Make me long for wind and rain,
on the coast,
in a country that I know about,
far, far away....

Oh, I'm not gonna complain,
sometimes it actually feels good to be warm.
So... why was it that I thought I needed this jacket?
Ah, I remember now,
the colors,
I love these colors..
And, I could always wear it
to cover all those extra grams
I gained this summer,
by eating Norwegian candy..

Pattern was found in Knit Simple magazine,
I used 3,5 mm needle,
and 100% cotton yarn,
Queenslands Soft Wave.

Endelig er sommer jakken ferdig.
Den ble liggende en stund i mangel av garn,
hadde ikke beregnet nok.

13 August, 2007

Broken plates...

My old platter was broken,
and I just couldn't throw the pieces away.
I loved it, old,
made in my home town..
The pieces have been sitting in the garage,
together with some old tiles.

In the garden is a broken wooden bench
with a metal base.
I only use it to put flower pots on,
not for sitting...
My husband was nice enough to make me a concrete base,
so now the bench will get a new top.

If you brake tiles or plates,
wrap them in a newspaper before you use the hammer.
I first laid the pieces in the pattern I wanted.
Then used tile adhesive and attached the pieces to the base.
Let dry over night.

Mix tile grout in the color you prefer,
and smear it all over. Messy!
Let dry some..

With a moist sponge,
wipe carefully off the excessive grout.
Be careful,
the pieces can be sharp!

Last, wipe with a clean cloth...
Bench done!

Må finne på noe inne,
ute er det for varmt nå.
Hadde et knust fajanse fat i garasjen,
og ovenfor har jeg vist hvordan knuste tallerkener
kan gjenbrukes dersom en ikke vil kaste dem.
Jeg har laget en ny hage benk..

11 August, 2007

Black Bear

I just have to tell this story..
Coming home after a night out with friends,
my daughter and her fiance
almost walked right into a Black Bear last night.
He (had to be a male!) was looking for food in their garbage can,
and when it heard them,
he stood up on his back legs.
My daughter says his entire head was above the top of the garage door,
which should make him about 7' tall!
Pretty scary...
They called 911,
police chased him down the street,
but lost sight of him..

This happened in the Florida panhandle,
close to Forth Walton Beach.
They live in a small neighborhood,
close to a busy road.
But they have a wooded area not too far off.
I read that Black Bears can be found all over the US,
from Canada to Mexico...

Ingrid hadde besøk av en enorm bjørn i går natt.
Godt over 2m høy da den reiste seg opp på to bein.
Den ble skremt,
og kom seg vekk da politiet prøvde å få tak i den..

More mittens

I knitted these mittens when I was travelling.
They are similar to some I made earlier this spring,
however, these with one of my new patterns.

After being gone for so long,
my garden is overgrown with weeds...
The plan was to work in the garden this entire weekend,
but we only made it for a few hours this morning.
It's well over 100 degrees F (40 Celsius) in the shade.
I feel week and dizzy,
better drink some water...

Skrekkelig varmt i dag.
De har meldt ca. 40 grader hele helga,
og neste uke.
Hadde tenkt å få jobbet litt i hagen,
men måtte gi oss etter noen timer på morgenkvisten.

De grønne vottene ligner litt på noen jeg lagde tidligere i vår,
men disse med et nytt mønster.

Ha en fin helg!

Dette bildet er tatt på Sandnes..

10 August, 2007

Baby set

This was a gift from a friend,
for our new grand baby.
I thought it was soo cute,
and decided to show it to ya'll.
It is knitted in a cotton yarn,
maybe Mandarin or something similar.

Dette settet var en gave fra en venn,
helt herlig, skjønne farger!

09 August, 2007

My Rose Mittens

Well, I was inspired by roses when I made this pattern.
I get these great rose catalogues in the mail,
and get often inspired to draw or paint (water color).
I am not sure if the color combination is what I wanted for these mittens,
so there will probably be made more samples..

Jeg får en mengde blomster kataloger i posten,
mange av dem med roser.
Nesten alltid blir jeg inspirert til å tegne eller male dem,
denne gangen ble det et votte mønster.
Kommer nok til å lage flere av disse...


I have been nominated as a

by Lille Blå ,
a great Norwegian knitter,
very talented knitter with a great sense of humor,
I really enjoy this one..
and by Gawo,
a Norwegian biker with the most beautiful pictures
from all her travels.
All on my favorite list.

I am asked to keep this going,
a great way to share some great blogs.
To bad I can only mention 5...

This time I want to nominate:

1. Silja Devine
who aways inspire me with her great knitting and engagement.
She also just had an adorable little baby boy.

2. Den gode feen
who somehow manage to keep
a light blue or pastel color scheme
through most of what she make.
Her interior pictures are awesome!

3. Hege
For her beautiful knitting,
and great explanations as she moves along with her projects.

4. My friend
a new blogger, and a fantastic jewelry artist.

5. Black Dog Design
for her delicate blog,
beautiful designs,
and for sharing her patterns.

And I could most certainly keep going,
the list of creative girls in cyberspace
is never ending...

08 August, 2007

Home at last

Suitcases back into the closet,
house cleaning,
and throwing out dead potted plants.....
Sound familiar?

I will be visible on the blog again, soon.
Took so many great pictures on my trip to Norway,
and did actually get some knitting and crocheting done
in between sightseeing and visiting with friends and family.
Pictures will come..

This picture (me on the edge in red)
is from the Pulpit Rock,
a good 3-4 hour rough hike.
The Pulpit Rock is a cliff (25x25 meters)
that hang 604 meters high
above the fjord straight down below.
A fantastic trip!
I can highly recommend it,
after being there several times myself.
Overwhelmingly breath-taking every time!