30 March, 2011

After a trip....

....I am often filled with impressions.
They kind of play on their own for a while,
and often something ends up on the paper
as a sketch, a water color,
or maybe a  pattern of some sort.

I did snoop around in a couple of yarn stores,
and one thing I noticed,
especially in Albuquerque and Taos,
was that the yarn stores 
had lots of locally spun and dyed yarn.

The color of the red dirt
and the adobe houses,
the turquoises used in the Indian made jewelery
and on the trim around doors and windows,
were so intense.

Since we flew, I had limited space,
but I managed to stuff some yarn
in my carry-on
(and in my husbands too...)

Disse fargene går igjen i landskap,
i byggninger, smykker og klær.
Nydelig miks synes jeg.

26 March, 2011

Two things....

I got a scare,
my baby pigeons was out of the pot,
and I worried about the squirrels.

But look, they are out
trying their wings.
My babies are growing up...

Get in line!
It is hard to feed both of you
at the same time!


Two yards from my back door
was this snake crawled up this morning.
I have to admit
he gave me the creeps...

Probably not a big deal,
but he got really interested in what I was doing,
and turned against me.
I think he is a harmless Garter snake,
but he would probably bite if cornered.

Hadde besøk av denne karen nå på morgenkvisten.
Han er nok ikke så farlig som han gir seg ut for,
fingertykk, ca. 1 meter lang
med grønne og svarte striper.
Ha en fin helg!

23 March, 2011

"Anna jakken"

...men denne er for Tyra!

Veldig greit å ha noe lettvindt å strikke på
når man er på ferie.

Denne var grei å ha mellom fingrene,
kun restegarn fra et tidligere prosjekt.
Motivet er ment å se ut som en katt,
i motsetning til den originale jakken 
som har en and.

Lagde dennne litt større,
og strikket i Heilo.

Ikke en typisk babyfarge,
iallefall ikke i dette landet (USA).

This jacket is knitted in Heilo from Dale,
on 3.5 mm needles.
A great wool yarn!
It is made a little larger than the original,
because it is for an older baby.

21 March, 2011

Santa Fe, New Mexico

A walk through town...

Beautiful, beautiful Santa Fe.
Even if you don't have a creative bone in your body,
you have to get inspired here.

Old and new architecture, 



local art,

and artists, - many more than you can count.

Canyon Rd. is a "must see".

Here are galleries and studios in almost every house.

The colors makes me happy,
so bright and cheerful.

A stop at the The Teahouse on the top of the hill,
was a pleasant experience.
Their Lavender tea is absolutely worth trying!

Wonder if I could use this color in future patterns....

   Still some snow in the mountains, 
but spring is on its way.

Etter en uke i disse herlige omgivelsene
har jeg fått fyllt opp hodet og sjelen
med masse ny inspirasjon.

Santa Fe er et Mekka for kunstnere,
det føles på atmosfæren,
en ny opplevelse lurer rundt hvert et hjørne.
Håper du likte turen....

20 March, 2011

Look who is here....

We have been gone for a week,
and I off course worried about 
the pigeon in my flower pot.
The squirrels can be a pest around here,
as sweet as they are,
and they could easily get to the eggs.
I really didn't know how long 
she would lay on her eggs,
but it must have been close to 3 weeks.
Some younger feathers on her right side
was an indication that something had happened.

This morning she was out "shopping for food",
and to my joy, I eyed two little ones,
not one, as I first expected.
So now we need to guard the squirrels 
even more than before.

Vi er hjemme igjen etter en ukes vinterferie.
Dua i blomsterpotta oppe på terrassen
har klekket ut eggene sine.
Hun har ligget der i ukesvis,
og vi har vært nervøse for at ekornene
skulle få fatt på dem.
Tenk det ble to små!
Jeg hadde kun sett det ene egget,
så det var en overraskelse...

05 March, 2011

The time is finally here...

Both my Anna patterns are ready to go.
They are both made for,
and named after
my youngest grand baby, 
Anna Helene.

The first outfit fits 0 - 3 months,
and is called 
Baby Anna

It is a long sleeved and long legged suit.
This suit really has a great loose fit,
and a double opening in the front
for easy on and off.
The pattern includes
all the letters in the alphabet.

Anna has used it from 3 weeks old,
as she had to travel to Norway unexpectedly.
We rolled up sleeve and ankle cuffs,
 It worked fine.

We were happy to have 
something warm for her to wear.

It actually still fits her at 4 months.

The second Anna outfit, a jacket, 
fits 3 - 6 months,
and it is called
The Anna Jacket 

(Norske lesere har nok allerede oppdaget 
at det norske navnet på jakken er en lek med ord,
og trenger sikkert ingen videre forklaring.)

It took a while from the suit was done
and until I was ready to complete the pattern.
In the mean time, I had misplaced some of my notes.
So mormor had to come up with an idea.
Instead of me working a whole new suit
to be able to complete pattern,
I decided to make a jacket in the same style.

It has a very similar look,
the double opening is actually fake,
it only opens on the left side.
The right side is stitched together 
at the buttonholes.

Anna is a much bigger-little-girl now,
and a jacket is perfect for spring time.
This one also a great fit.

And did I mention the yarn?
It is Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino,
55% Wool, 33% Microfiber, 12% Cashmere.
It knits up very nice on 3mm needles.
Patterns in 2 languages
English or Norwegian
on Etsy,
and in English on Ravelry

Begge disse mønstrene
kommer ut samtidig.
De er kalt opp etter 
mitt yngste barnebarn, Anna.
Dressen ble ferdig i november,
jakken nå i februar.
Mønstrene er temmelig like 
fra livet og opp,
og begge har en kjempegod fasong.
Dressen har vært brukt 
helt fra hun var 3 uker,
og passer henne fremdeles (4 mnd.).
Den har dobbel åpning foran 
som gjør det lettere 
med av og påkledning
av et så lite barn.
Jakken føles litt romsligere,
og kan brukes noen måneder til.
Den har åpning på venstre side foran,
høyre siden er sydd fast 
ved knappene.