30 October, 2007

Nå på Etsy

I promised to everybody know when the is for sale,
and I just finished it now,
a minute ago...

The link is here

28 October, 2007


This is my newest mitten design.

In Scandinavia we use a lot of red hearts
in our Christmas decorations.
While her in the States,
hearts are associated with Valentines Day.
I used "Smart" yarn from Sandnes Ull,
and 3,5 mm needles,
for these Red and White mittens.

I also love the Green and Red colors together,
and think it look very Christmas like.

This yarn, "Nature Wool" from Araucania, Chile,
is a variegated yarn,
and it shows pretty good in the green area.
I used 3 mm needles,
and these mittens came out a little smaller
then the Red and White ones above.
Both, however, fit my hand,
one just a little snugger then the other.

At the moment,
I am putting the last touches on the pattern,
but hopefully, in a few days,
it will be available on Etsy.

Dette mønsteret er laget med tanke på jul.
Hjertene får meg til å tenke
på jul i Norge.

Mønsteret kan fåes kjøpt om noen få dager på Etsy.

My daugther went to a Halloween party last night

Say no more.....

26 October, 2007

Lots of pictures lately...

...but I have new mittens on my needles,
a new Scandinavian mitten design,
fit for Christmas...

Idyll på Amla Nedre

On my resent trip I visited this beautiful farm.

In near future it will be home
for one of my daughters and her family.
This is thoroughly a small Paradise on earth..

Flowers were still blooming,
even though they have had night frost already.

The farm has been in the family
for several generations.

My youngest grandson Hallvard,
is the 9th Hallvard in this family.
It was given in every second generation,
after Scandinavian custom.

The horses needed their blankets,
but enjoyed the fresh air
and the warmth of the sun during the day.

The leaves are coming down,
winter will be on its way soon...

Jeg fant denne idyllen i Kaupanger...
Her er så mye skjønnhet,
hvor en enn snur seg,

at en inntar en spesiell stemning
av fred og salig beruselse...

25 October, 2007

Back from Norway

I have just been a week in Norway,
this time driving
from Stavanger to Kaupanes in Sognefjord,
where my grandchild
was Christened last Sunday.

My brother is here standing behind
the waterfall below.

The weather was great,
sunny and cold.
Fall colors,
snow on the mountain tops...

Couldn't have asked for more..

Hadde en nydelig tur
i høst Norge, sist uke.
Bildene er tatt
på litt forskjellige steder
på vestlandet.

14 October, 2007

Gamle Stavanger

I took these pictures this summer in Stavanger,
they have been sitting in my camera,
and it's time to share them.

I would love to live in this part of town,
the houses are all old,
many of them renovated,
and they have a unique charm..

The houses and the small flower gardens
have great curb appeal.
One could wonder around here all day...

Ikke mange steder har slik en sjarm
som Gamle Stavanger.

Dette er e
t av stedene som alltid blir besøkt
når jeg er hjemme på ferie.

Her kan vi vandre rundt i evigheter
og bare nyte nostalgien som gamle hus

og frodige små hager gir deg.

Hadde ikke hatt noen problemer
med å flytte inn i et av disse husene nei..

10 October, 2007

The mittens are done

In black and grey,
these mittens are larger,
fitting a mans hand.
They go well with the hat below.
All knitted in wool,
they will keep my son's hands and head warm this winter.

Disse vottene er strikket i herrestørrelse,
og passer sammen med lua jeg strikket tidligere.
Forhåpentligvis passer det alt til min sønn,
som forteller at høsten har kommet i Norge nå.

04 October, 2007

Snowflake hat

This hat has 3 colors,
grey, black and blue.
Great for a boy or a young man.
This one for my son.
The decrease at the top,

create a Snowflake,
So no tassel for this one.

Pattern will be posted at Etsy

En ny lue,
denne med et snefnugg mønster,
som blir dannet av fellingen i toppen av lua.

Mønsteret kan finnes her.

02 October, 2007

Two new hats

Last weekend we did a bit of driving,
and I got to catch up with a couple of hats
that I had promised.

Since the receiver already had an idea about color,
I was limited.
The butterfly pattern is my own.

Fikk strikket ferdig et par gaver denne helga,
fargene allerede bestemt av mottaker.

Sommerfugl mønsteret er mitt eget,
legger det med under her

om noen har lyst til å prøve..
Klikk på mønster for å forstørre ...


This is the insect that make noise at night.
A loud squeaky,
almost hypnotic kind of noise.

A beautful, colorful,
little creature looking similar the a housefly,
hard to get close to.
Check out the lace like wings..

This one sat in my drive way,
really quiet...

I was very close to it,
and actually half way thought it was about to die.

But it scared the heck out of me,
when it almost flew in my face
as I was done with the last picture..

Et helt ufarlig lite insekt som lever i trærne her.
Det lager en intens gnisselyd,

spesiellt etter mørkets frembrudd
og hele natten..
Men aldeles nydelig spør du meg!

Se på de fantastisk flortynne vingene!
Sjekk farger og mønster....