"Helene II"
I didn't feel done with the older Helene pattern,
so I decided to try it with a different coloration
and a few changes in the main pattern..

Also a few changes on the wrist part...

I think this deep Peach color is a great background
for the darker Aubergine color.

This pattern will be on Etsy
I have been told that there has been
problems getting to this link,
and it should now be resolved.
All the links for Etsy should now work,
including the one in the side bar.
Sorry about that,
I had just renewed my account and the connection
wasn't set right, yet.
Please let me know if there is any other problems.

Jeg har videreutviklet Helene mønsteret,
og dette er resultatet av en annerledes fargeblanding.
Det er også gjort endel forandringer i selve mønsteret,
spesielt vristen er litt forandret.
Dette mønsteret er også å få kjøpt på Etsy,
for de som måtte ha lyst å prøve seg.

Ha en fin helg!
so I decided to try it with a different coloration
and a few changes in the main pattern..
Also a few changes on the wrist part...
I think this deep Peach color is a great background
for the darker Aubergine color.
This pattern will be on Etsy
I have been told that there has been
problems getting to this link,
and it should now be resolved.
All the links for Etsy should now work,
including the one in the side bar.
Sorry about that,
I had just renewed my account and the connection
wasn't set right, yet.
Please let me know if there is any other problems.
Jeg har videreutviklet Helene mønsteret,
og dette er resultatet av en annerledes fargeblanding.
Det er også gjort endel forandringer i selve mønsteret,
spesielt vristen er litt forandret.
Dette mønsteret er også å få kjøpt på Etsy,
for de som måtte ha lyst å prøve seg.
Ha en fin helg!