I have this picture on my desk by the computer,
where I light a candle in the morning.

This is the time of the year when I can get pretty sentimental,
and think about "home" a lot.
But it's also happy thinking,
I am truly blessed with good memories!
I am thinking of snow, skiing and Easter...
- about sitting down on top of the mountain.
I am thinking of sitting on my wool mittens,
trying to stay out of the wind,
closing my eyes and turning my face to the sun.
Feeling the warmth....
I think of eating an orange and drinking my hot chocolate.
Looking at the incredible, beautiful, white blanket of snow,
that stretch out as far as my eye can see.
Away from everything, its overwhelmingly quiet.
Quiet, still, peaceful,
strengthening, re-powering, reloading...
Both my parent birthdays where in the late winter/early spring,
they where both great skiers.
With lots of patients,
they dragged us children around in the mountains
from before we could walk.
Me in and old box, nailed to a pair of old skis.
No modern equipment in 1953...
In April the snow is melting...
It all collects in smaller streams,
and the river water by my childhood home is raising.
Later comes summer and swimming in the river,
but that's a different story...
I think of my parents,
and how they took care of us all,
how lucky we where....
...how I miss them...