29 September, 2011

The Vogue Knitting Live Event

Back home,
- all the work behind us,
all in all,
this was a great experience!

Click on picture for larger view

Our booth came together quite all right,
and we sold pretty well.

It would have been a hard and hopeless job
without my good friend Michaela.

I could not have made it without her!

Besides drooling over yarn,
I also made some great new connections.

Sincere Sheep 
And how great is it
that Meg Swansen complimented my designs
as she visited my booth.
Also Clara Parkes (Knitters Review)
visited and took some pictures.

This knit creation has thin wire inserted
to every rose, to keep the shape.

My greatest moment was at the Gala Dinner/Fashion Show,
where Kaffe Fassett was the guest speaker.
What an inspiration,
what a great designer he is.
His color work give me goose bumps....

Denne turen til Los Angeles 
har vært svært inspirerende for meg.
Det var på mange måter en travel helg,
med mye å se både av garn og design.

For besøkende var der forskjellige kurs,
demonstrasjoner og foredrag dagen lang.
Innimellom kunne de besøke markedet som jeg var en del av.
Jeg opplevde at mange er "redde" 
for å strikke mønster med to farger.
Selv erfarne strikkere tror at det er overmåte vanskelig.
Det å måtte klippe opp for f.eks. ermeåpninger
er så skremmende at mange tar at steg bakover.
Men jeg tror jeg overtalte noen
om at votter er en god størrelse til å trene på,
selv om svært få fra LA noen gang får bruk for votter
med sommertemperaturer så og si hele året.
I allefall etter norsk målestokk...

(Klikk på bildene så blir de større)

Ha en fin dag!

22 September, 2011

LA, here we come!

It almost didn't happen.
After shipping all my boxes to the show,
I found myself on crutches.
A painful infection in my hip
made it impossible to walk.
But a steroid injection and 
anti inflammatory tablets helped.
Now I am almost perfect...

I look forward to meet fellow knitters,
and my good friend is coming with me 
to help me out in my booth (#84).
But this is most for the experience.
We have tickets for 
a Gala dinner 
with Kaffe Fassett as a speaker.

I promise pictures
when I am back!
Wish me luck!

18 September, 2011

I have been busy

preparing for the Vogue Knitting Live show,
and blogging has not been on my mind.

I have had to remake some of my samples
because somehow some of them 
had ended up in the "gift pile".

Maybe my "Helene II" pattern (above)
is one of my favorites,
it also one of the oldest.

The booth has to be dressed up,
and arriving by airplane,
my options for decorating are limited.

Some of these pictures will be posters,
and they will all hopefully fit in my suitcase.

Between planning and preparing
I have been working on another shawl pattern.
It is not ready yet,
but I hope to have it all put together 
within a month or two.

The one above was a present to a friend,
and the yarn was a lace weight yarn, 
bought in Santa Fe a while ago.
Maybe I could have the store ship me some more....
 I just loved this smoky blue color.

The pattern will be named Virginia.
 Follow-up will come in not too long..