What a fantastic experience it was to visit
in the Bandelier National Park again.
The drive from Santa Fe is about one hour.
To walk around on this old ground
and imagine the Ancestral Pueblo people living here
is just amazing.
I want to go back in time.
I want to see them work, cook, play with their children,
and I want to see how they lived along,
and climbed these cliffs.
The cliffs has natural openings or holes.
The Indians enlarged the holes and constructed stone dwellings
in front of them.
This rock is actually volcanic ash,
compacted over time.
These housing units could be several stories tall,
and one can determine how many stories
by counting the horizontal rows of holes.
These smaller holes indicates the next floor/roof,
and the rooms were entered through an opening in the roof,
not through a door as we would do.
The tourist-tracks are off course made for easy excess.
On the cliff-wall are also many petroglyphs (carved symbols),
this one is maybe a turkey?
I allowed myself to use this symbol
as an inspiration for a new mitten design.
This is a "sneak peek", since I am still working on it.
The colors I used are so special for the area,
the yarn is locally spun (Taos) and colored.
I really like the contrast of the turquoise
against the mud/dirt color.
The diamonds are made with duplicate stitches
to make it easier.
Since this yarn can be hard to get hold of,
the pattern will be worked in a different yarn also.
Denne nasjonalparken var et av stedene
vi besøkte i vinterferien.
Vi har vært her en gang før
og tregte ikke et øyeblikk på å gjenta opplevelsen.
Her er funn fra flere hundre(ca. 800) år f.Kr,
og det er antatt at de siste innbyggerne
levde her opp til ca. 1400 e.Kr.
Det er helt spesiellt å vandre blandt disse ruinene.
Små stier og trinn var tilrettelagt for turister.
Det var lett å bli inspirert,
så jeg har et nytt design mellom fingrene.
Garnet jeg bruker kjøpte jeg på turen,
så jeg skal få strikket opp vottene
i et litt mer forbrukervennlig garn også.
Håper du likte turen...