and the area around Estes Park.
We have found our paradise in the United States..
This is our second time here,
and we will be back for sure!

It is just a short flight from Texas,
and we loved to get away from the heat for a while.

We were able to drive into the Rocky Mountain National Park,
to view all these beautiful sights,

the Elks,

the mountains,

it was refreshing and "medicine for the soul"!
As an extra plus and ingredient to our trip,
we visited
the "Wool Market" in Estes Park.Lots of different sources of yarn,
homespun and home colored yarn was presented!

This vendor specialized in sheep wool.
She make some fantastic felted dolls,
and have had them represented at the Smithsonian.

My yarn and wool stash is now a "little bit" larger,
limited to what I could get in my suitcase
for the trip home.
We stayed here just long enough to be able to
explore the surrounding areas of Estes Park.

This is one of 3-4 trading posts in nearby Glen Haven.

This cute little cottage we eyed along the road.
Butterflies and everything purple.
One happy spirit must live here...
Det tar ca. to og en halv time med fly,og vi kan omgi oss med denne nydelige naturen i Estes Park,en liten by/tettsted ved inngangen til Rocky Mountains National Park.Her kan vi trekke frisk luft, litt kjøligere enn den vi har hjemme i Texas,og jeg kan innbille meg at jeg er i Norge en tur.Dette er andre besøket vårt her,og jeg håper vi får anledning til å komme tilbake.