17 October, 2008

Scandinavia hat is done

I was hoping for sunny weather
to get some good pictures,
but had to compromise.
The sun was not even thinking about coming out today.
Oh, well,
at least it wasn't raining.

I convinced my young model
that she did a great job,
but promised to write
that she hated the photo session,
not her thing I guess....

The pattern is off course for sale,
I have had several people asking for a hat.

Denne lua går flott sammen med
Scandinavia votte mønster.

Min yngste datter var ikke helt fornøyd
at hun måtte trå til som lue modell,
men to tre minutter senere
så var det hele over
og vi var begge fornøyd.

14 October, 2008

"Scandinavia" hat on my needles

I always wanted to make hats
to go with my mittens,
the first this fall,
and maybe in time for Christmas,
is Scandinavia hat.
I am finishing the model at this moment.

Har fått en del forespørsler om luer til vottene mine,
så dette er den første ut denne høsten.
Modellen er nesten ferdig,
så da er det bare å legge en siste hånd
på mønsteret.

07 October, 2008

Miniatyr votter / Miniature mittens

I really enjoyed knitting these tiny mittens.
They are knitted with thin baby yarn,
wool, and needles #0 (2 mm).
The one pair is about 10 cm long,

and the smallest is 5 cm long.

Jeg trengte et "lite" strikketøy
da jeg var ute og reiste i helgen,

og endte opp med å strikke

miniatyr votter.

Det var faktisk ganske artig
å strikke disse små ( 10 og 5 cm lange),

i forhold til votter i normal størrelse.

Faktisk så er den største
av disse små
nesten ganske lik
"Tradisjonell barne vott" str 2-3 år.

Bare noen ganske små forandringer,
så dersom noen allerede har det mønsteret,

så kan det altereres.

06 October, 2008

The colors of fall...

.. the beauty
and the shapes of nature...

Just back yesterday
from a most wonderful weekend trip,
to Calgary, Canada.

I was overwhelmed by impressions
and my camera had to
constantly "reload" for more shots..

Vi har hatt en fantastisk tur til Canada
denne helgen!

Jeg fikk en følelse av høsten.

Naturen, fargene
og den friske luften,
gav meg måneder av inspirasjon!

Bildene over og under er fra Lake Louise.
Hotellet ser nesten ut som et eventyr slott.

The picture above
is from Lake Louise.
The hotel looks like a castle in a fairytail..

01 October, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness month

Just a reminder to all of you,
to schedule your mammogram.
I had mine last week.

I also wanted to give an update on my youngest sister,
and on the "Helene" mitten and hat patterns.

Several people has asked about her,
so I can announce that
she had her surgery one year ago.
Her hair is growing beautifully back
prettier than ever!
She is back to work,
and she is doing just fine!

Growing up we where always together,
do to the fact that we are close in age.
As teenagers,
we lost our oldest sister to cancer.
She was only 27,
already a mother of two little ones.
My heart will never mend....

I woke up in the middle of the night
thinking of this pattern.
Got it on the paper the next morning.

A rose for my sister (s),
the pattern sold in honor,
and all money made would go to research.
I thought it was a great idea!

It has been available for about 1 year,
and has so far brought in about $700!
A check gets sent to
MD Anderson Cancer Hospital
here in Houston,
by the end of every month.

Thank you to everybody!
Without you knitters,
this would not have been possible!

The pattern is still for sale,
and will not retire for a while.

Tusen takk til alle dere
som har kjøpt "Helene" mønsteret!
Det har solgt jevnt godt hele dette året,
og tatt inn ca 3500 nok.
Disse pengene har blitt sent
til kreft sykehuset her i Houston,
øremerket forskning.
Mønsteret vil forsatt være tilsalgs
både på norsk og engelsk.

Husk å bestille tid til mammogram!