We feel so blessed!
Even though our area had a lot of damage,
our house took no beating at all,
no broken trees, and no flooding.
we still have no electricity,
no phone lines, no Internet,
and the cell phones struggles to get a signal.
But it could have been so much worse.
And... we have water!
Many don't!
Lots of workers are coming to help us
from all over the country,
even all the way from Canada!
Normally this time of the year it's too hot to be out,
but for some reason the temperature is great.
Yesterday I got to watch a little news
on our friend's television.
I could just cry when I saw all the damage by the coast.
These people have no home to come back to,
it is so sad, so heart breaking.
We have spent our daylight hours
helping our extended family
cleaning up their yards.

They had lots of tree damage.

It's unbelievable to see how
large, grown trees can snap like a match.

We have learned that nature power is nothing to joke with..

I have gotten a little knitting done,
although I wouldn't suggest knitting by candle light.

I found this pattern is in an oder book
by Lise Kolstad and Tone Takle.
It's called "Strikk til barn".

When the dark comes along early evening,
there isn't much else to do than go to bed.

School is out,
my husbands work place lost the roof,
so they will not be back in that building for a while.
Most stores are still closed,
and the ones that have power and are open,
have long lines.
So do the gas stations.
This was just a small update.
Lots of people have been concerned about us,
thank you so much for caring!
Tusen takk til alle som har vært innom,og som tenker på oss.Det går greit her, selv uten strøm.Alt kunne ha vært så mye verre!Bildene over er tatt hos familie og venner.De hadde mye skade på trær og gjerder.